Colorado EDGE Standards of Conduct for Spectators
- Do not use abusive language or physical violence toward opponents, opponent’s parents, coaches or referees.
- Do not coach from the sidelines. Let the coach do the coaching. There can only be one sideline voice during the game.
- Encourage all players. Do not criticize or exhibit negative behavior towards anyone on the team, opponents, coaches, parents or referees.
- Cheer loudly and support your team in a strong and positive manner.
- Attend as many games as possible. Your child’s self-esteem and performance are directly proportional to your involvement.
- Be loyal and supportive of your club.
- Help with volunteer efforts.
- Communicate with your coach directly; do not undermine the team or how it is managed or coached.
- For all issues that you cannot resolve with your coach, direct all concerns and/or comments in writing to the Director of Coaching.
- Be prompt on your team’s commitments and financial obligations.
- Learn the team concepts used for your child’s team, but do not interfere with his or her coach.
- Understand the laws and traditions of the game.
- Support Colorado EDGE and all of its members.