Communication Protocol

If you are experiencing or witnessing an urgent medical or life-threatening emergency, please call 911

Communication Protocol

Open communication is essential for players, parents, coaches and teams to be successful. Throughout the year, the Coach and Manager (if applicable-age appropriate) will often communicate information, including but not limited to, practices, games, team meetings and functions via email. Parents – please make sure your email address is correct in your family account and you can add multiple email addresses to ensure you receive the information. Any questions about practices, games, playing time, status on the team, etc. should be directed to the Coach. Please ask questions if you are unsure or need clarification from the Coach. Managers and other parents on the team are not involved with these decisions – only the Coach.

Positive Encouragement and Support

Game day cheering and communication is highly encouraged as all kids appreciate the POSITIVE feedback. All encouragement/communication should be from the actions that occurred in the past – NOT in the future. Shouting “Go get the ball, Kick it, Run faster, etc.” not only confuses the player and can ultimately discourage positive play, but could be the complete opposite of what the Coach is trying to teach. Acknowledging a great effort, good shot, good defensive play, etc. are all positive reinforcements that kids thrive on.

How to Discuss Questions or Raise Issues with the Coach 

If you have a concern about how your child is being coached, prior to communicating with the Coach, please ensure that :

  • The concern or comment is genuine and true to your personal knowledge
  • That the concern directly affects your child
  • That the concern is raised in the spirit of being helpful

In addition, follow the Communication Protocol outlined below:

  • “Cooling Off Period” – wait 24 hours prior to contacting the Coach. This allows for time to calm down, evaluate your concern, and proceed with effective communication.
  • NEVER interrupt practice or approach the coach after a game.
  • Schedule meetings/discussions via email or phone call.

After communicating with the Coach and you feel your concern was not properly addressed by the Coach, please contact the appropriate EDGE Director:

4U-8U Boys & Girls Dave Roberts
9U-19U Recreational Boys & Girls and Academy Select Adam Creasey
11U-19U Competitive Boys James Rooks
11U-19U Competitive Girls Jay Hamilton

Safety Concerns 

The Club encourages the free and open expression of member concerns and provides an independent avenue to raise any concern related, but not limited, to the environment, safety, health, and management of the Club and its members. 

For concerns that fall outside of the coach communication protocol outlined above, please email the concern to the Board of Directors Safety Committee at The Committee will review the concern, conduct a fact-finding as appropriate, resolve or close the concern, and respond to the submitter. 

The Club supports a safety culture where concerns can be promptly identified and resolved without fear of retaliation/reprisal. However, if you would like to remain anonymous, please complete and submit this form which will be forwarded with no identifying information to the Safety Committee: . 

Alternatively, you may mail the anonymous concern to:

Attn: Safety Committee
Colorado EDGE Soccer Club
PO Box 265
Arvada, Colorado 80001

Please note that while concerns raised anonymously will be addressed, it will not be possible to provide a response.

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